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Understanding Pet Vaccinations: A Comprehensive Guide to Pet Vaccination Needs

At Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP), we prioritize the health and well-being of your furry family members. A fundamental aspect of pet care is vaccinations, which play a crucial role in preventing various diseases and ensuring a long, happy life for your pets. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of “Pet Vaccination Needs,” helping you understand what vaccinations your pet really needs for optimal health.

Core Vaccines: The Essential Shield

  • Rabies: Rabies vaccination is a legal requirement for pets in many regions, and for good reason. Rabies is a deadly disease that can affect both animals and humans. Keeping your pet up-to-date on their rabies vaccine is a vital aspect of responsible pet ownership.
  • Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, and Parvovirus (DA2PP) for Dogs: This combination vaccine protects against three highly contagious and potentially fatal diseases in dogs. Puppies usually receive a series of DA2PP vaccinations to build immunity.
  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia (FVRCP) for Cats: Similar to the DA2PP for dogs, the FVRCP vaccine for cats prevents three common and potentially severe feline diseases. It’s a core vaccine for all cats.

Non-Core Vaccines: Tailoring Protection to Your Pet's Lifestyle

  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough): If your pet is frequently in contact with other dogs, especially in group settings like dog parks or boarding facilities, the Bordetella vaccine is advisable to prevent kennel cough.
  • Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can affect both animals and humans. This vaccine is recommended if your pet spends time in environments where they may come into contact with wildlife or contaminated water.
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV) for Cats: Outdoor cats or those in multi-cat households may benefit from the Feline Leukemia vaccine, which protects against a contagious and often fatal virus.

Puppy and Kitten Vaccination Schedules: Building Immunity from the Start

Puppies and kittens require a series of vaccinations starting at an early age. These initial vaccines help build a strong immune foundation and are usually administered in a series of 3 visits for puppies and 2 visits for kittens. Each visit is done 3-4 weeks apart.

Adult Pet Vaccination Schedule: Maintaining Immunity

Once the initial series is complete, pets transition to an annual adult vaccination schedule.

Affordable Vaccination Services at TCAP: Ensuring Accessible Care

At TCAP, we understand the importance of accessible veterinary care. Our affordable vaccination services are designed to make essential preventive care, including core and non-core vaccinations, accessible to all pet owners.

Understanding your pet’s vaccination needs is a critical aspect of responsible pet ownership. At TCAP, our dedicated team is here to guide you through the “Pet Vaccination Guide,” ensuring that your furry companions receive the tailored protection they need for a lifetime of health and happiness. Vaccines are provided on a first-come-first-served basis during TCAP’s walk-in vaccine hours. We look forward to seeing you and your pet soon!

Pet Vaccination Guide

Understanding Kittens’ Dental Development: The Journey of Losing Baby Teeth

Bringing a playful, tiny ball of fur into your home marks the beginning of an enchanting journey with your kitten. As you revel in their adorable antics and boundless energy, it’s important to be attuned to their developmental milestones, including the fascinating process of dental development. A common question for new cat parents is: Do kittens lose their baby teeth? In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of kitten teething stages, uncovering the when, why, and how of their transition from baby teeth to permanent ones.

The Basics of Kitten Dental Development: A Journey from Deciduous to Permanent Teeth

Kittens, much like human infants, are born with deciduous, or baby, teeth. These tiny teeth begin to emerge at about two weeks of age, an early sign of your kitten’s growth. However, these baby teeth are not meant to last. As kittens mature, they naturally shed their baby teeth to make way for a set of permanent, adult teeth.

When Do Kittens Start Losing Their Baby Teeth?

By the age of three months, you might notice your kitten beginning the journey of losing their baby teeth. This process typically lasts until they are six to seven months old, marking the end of their transition to a full set of permanent teeth. You may see changes in your kitten’s behavior, like increased chewing, which helps alleviate teething discomfort.

Signs of Kittens Losing Baby Teeth

Finding small, sharp teeth around your home is a clear sign that your kitten is losing their baby teeth. This natural growth phase makes room for the stronger, more resilient permanent teeth.

Why Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Teeth?

The shedding of baby teeth is a normal and essential part of a kitten’s development. It signifies the growth and maturation of your feline friend and makes space for the larger, durable permanent teeth that will serve them into adulthood.

Caring for Kittens During Teething

To ease your kitten’s teething discomfort:

  • Offer suitable chew toys to soothe their gums and discourage unwanted chewing behaviors.
  • Maintain a balanced diet that supports healthy dental development.

Nurturing Healthy Dental Development in Kittens

Understanding kitten teething stages is crucial for any cat owner. This journey from tiny deciduous teeth to robust permanent ones marks their growth and development. If you have any concerns about your kitten’s dental health, TCAP’s compassionate veterinary team is here to offer guidance and support, ensuring your kitten matures into a healthy adult cat.

kitten teething stages

Frequently Asked Questions About Kitten Teething

Kittens typically begin losing their baby teeth around 3 months of age, with the process continuing until they are about 6 to 7 months old.

You might find small teeth around your home or notice your kitten chewing more frequently. These are signs that their baby teeth are making way for adult teeth.

Yes, losing baby teeth is a natural part of a kitten’s dental development, making space for their permanent adult teeth.

Offer safe chew toys and ensure they’re eating a balanced diet to support dental health. If your kitten seems unusually uncomfortable, consult your veterinarian.

While teething is normal, maintaining good dental hygiene from an early age is crucial. Regular check-ups with a vet can prevent future dental issues.

Kitten Vaccines: Common Misconceptions Debunked

Kitten vaccines are a vital component of feline healthcare, playing a crucial role in safeguarding the long-term health and well-being of your feline companion. For a deeper understanding, read our comprehensive guide on kitten care for more detailed information.

Misconception 1: "Kitten Vaccines Aren't Necessary for Indoor Kittens"

One of the most common misconceptions is that kittens don’t need vaccinations. Some pet owners believe that indoor kittens or those who don’t come into contact with other cats are safe from diseases. However, this is far from the truth.

Kittens are born with temporary immunity from their mother’s milk, but this protection wanes as they grow. Vaccinations are essential to bolster their immune systems against deadly diseases, even if they primarily live indoors.

Misconception 2: "Vaccines May Cause Illness in Kittens"

Another prevalent myth is that kitten vaccinations can make them sick. While it’s true that some kittens might experience mild side effects like soreness at the injection site or lethargy, these are generally short-lived and much less severe than the diseases vaccines prevent.

The vaccines are designed to stimulate the kitten’s immune system without causing the actual disease, ensuring their long-term health.

Misconception 3: "Kittens Should Get All Vaccinations at Once"

Some pet owners believe that it’s best to give all vaccinations at once to save time and money. However, this approach is not recommended.

Kittens’ immune systems need time to develop and respond to vaccines. Overloading them with multiple vaccines simultaneously can lead to an overwhelmed immune system and a higher risk of adverse reactions. Veterinarians typically follow a schedule that allows for proper immune system development and optimal protection against various diseases.

Misconception 4: "Only Kittens Need Vaccines"

It’s essential to understand that vaccinations are not only for kittens but for cats of all ages. While kittens require a series of vaccinations to build immunity, adult cats also need regular booster shots to maintain protection throughout their lives. Your veterinarian will help determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your cat based on its age and lifestyle.

Misconception 5: "Kitten Vaccines Guarantee Complete Immunity"

Kitten vaccines are highly effective, but no vaccine provides 100% protection. Some kittens and cats may still contract a disease even after vaccination, but the severity of the illness is generally much milder in vaccinated cats. The primary purpose of vaccinations is to reduce the risk and severity of disease, making it a crucial preventive measure for your pet.

Kitten vaccines are a fundamental aspect of responsible pet ownership. It’s essential to be well-informed and separate fact from fiction when it comes to your kitten’s health. By understanding and debunking common misconceptions about kitten vaccines, you can make informed decisions that will protect your feline friend from potentially life-threatening diseases.

Your Kitten’s First Vet Visit: A TCAP Checklist for New Cat Parents

Bringing a new kitten into your home is a joyous occasion filled with excitement and love. As a responsible cat parent, one of the first and most crucial steps you’ll take is scheduling your kitten’s first vet visit. At Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP), we’re here to guide you through this important milestone, ensuring your kitten gets the best start in life.

Why the First Vet Visit is So Important

Your kitten’s first vet visit is a pivotal moment in their life. It sets the stage for a lifetime of health and well-being. During this visit, your kitten will receive essential vaccinations, undergo a thorough health check, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about kitten care.

TCAP's Kitten Vaccine Guide

Kittens require a series of vaccinations starting as early as nine weeks old. These vaccines are administered in multiple rounds, spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Our comprehensive vaccine guide will help you understand which vaccines are crucial for your kitten and when they should receive them.

Preparing for the Visit

Carrier Training

Before the visit, it’s essential to familiarize your kitten with their carrier. A comfortable carrier experience will make the trip to TCAP less stressful for both you and your feline friend. Start by placing treats or toys inside the carrier to encourage your kitten to enter voluntarily. Make sure to practice this several days before the appointment.

What to Bring to the Vet

  • Your kitten’s medical records, if available
  • A list of questions you may have for the vet
  • A familiar blanket or toy to comfort your kitten
Kitten's First Vet Visit in North Texas

During the Vet Visit

Health Checks and Consultations

Your vet will perform a thorough health check on your kitten, including weight, temperature, and overall physical condition. This is also your chance to ask any questions you may have about kitten care.

Vaccinations and Preventative Care

Your kitten will likely receive their first round of vaccinations during this visit. Additional preventative care measures like deworming or flea treatment may also be discussed.

After the Vet Visit

Monitoring Your Kitten

It’s common for kittens to experience mild side effects like lethargy or a slight fever after vaccinations. Monitor your kitten for 24-48 hours and consult your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Scheduling Follow-Up Visits

Before you leave the vet’s office, make sure to plan for the next round of vaccinations to ensure your kitten stays on track with their healthcare.

A Lifelong Partnership for Your Kitten's First Vet Visit and Beyond

At TCAP, we prioritize making your kitten’s first vet visit both positive and nurturing. Specializing in affordable spay, neuter, and vaccination services, we lay the groundwork for your kitten’s long-term health. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through this important milestone, offering cost-effective healthcare solutions that last a lifetime. By choosing TCAP, you join a community committed to your pet’s well-being. We eagerly await the opportunity to be part of your kitten’s journey toward a healthy, happy life.

Our Services

In addition to vaccinations, we offer:

By preparing in advance and following these guidelines, you’re setting the stage for a successful first visit to TCAP. We can’t wait to meet your newest family member and assist you in offering them the best possible care.

Deworming Your Pet

Deworming is a crucial step in safeguarding the long-term health of your pets. Intestinal parasites, commonly known as “worms,” pose a significant threat to both cats and dogs, and sometimes even to their human companions.

Why Deworming is Essential

Parasitic worms such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms can severely affect the health of your pets. These parasites cause discomfort and can lead to more severe health issues like gastrointestinal problems, weight loss, anemia, and in extreme cases, even death. While puppies and kittens are especially vulnerable, pets of all ages can suffer from worm infestations.

Dog Worms

How Pets Get Infested: The Need for Dog Dewormer and Cat Dewormer

Worms are typically transmitted from one host to another through various means. These can include the mother’s milk, ingestion of contaminated fecal matter, or soil. Often, we may not have complete health records for the mother cat or dog, especially if the pet was a stray. In such cases, administering a general dog dewormer or cat dewormer during each round of vaccines is highly recommended.

Tapeworms are unique in that they can be transferred when a pet ingests a flea. This often happens when a pet bites an itch while dealing with a flea infestation.

When to Use Cat Dewormer and Dog Dewormer

Puppies and kittens are usually given general dewormers due to their higher susceptibility to intestinal parasites. However, even healthy adult pets can get worms, making regular treatment or fecal testing essential.

For dog owners, your monthly heartworm prevention medication might also serve as a dog dewormer against most common intestinal parasites. It’s crucial to know which dewormers are present in their current medication to ensure comprehensive protection.

For cats, we recommend using a cat dewormer annually, or bi-annually if your feline friend spends a lot of time outdoors.

Deworming Methods: Choosing the Right Cat Dewormer and Dog Dewormer

The method of deworming depends on the type of worm affecting your pet. If you notice worms in your pet’s stool, consult your veterinarian immediately. Administering the right cat dewormer or dog dewormer is essential to effectively combat the parasites and prevent them from developing resistance to medications.

Oral medications can treat most worms, but tapeworms usually require an injection. This tapeworm-specific dewormer is administered much like a vaccine and may need to be given multiple times, spaced 2-3 weeks apart, to ensure complete deworming.

Deworming for a Healthier Pet Life

Deworming is an integral part of responsible pet ownership. At TCAP, we are committed to offering affordable and effective cat dewormer and dog dewormer services. Ensure your pets lead happy, healthy lives free from the discomfort and risks associated with parasites by planning your next visit to TCAP.

Adopted Kitten Care: 9 Loving Tips for Your New Pet

Adopting a new kitten is an exciting adventure. These adorable bundles of fur bring joy, companionship, and a dash of mischief to your life. Providing the best adopted kitten care to ensure your new feline friend’s health and happiness is essential.

We've compiled nine tips to ensure your adopted kitten lives a happy, healthy life in their new home!

1. Prepare Your Home for Adopted Kitten Care

Before bringing your new kitten home, make sure you’ve set up a safe and comfortable environment. Create a designated space with a cozy bed, scratching post, toys, and a litter box. Having these items will help your adopted kitten adjust to their new environment.

2. Feeding Your Adopted Kitten

A balanced diet is crucial for growth and development. Ensure you have age-appropriate food for your adopted kitten before bringing them home. Generally, kittens will eat food labeled for kittens until they are a year old. After that, they should transition to adult food.

3. Litter Training

Litter training is a significant step for indoor cats. Place the litter box in a quiet, easily accessible location. Most kittens instinctively use the litter box, but accidents can happen. Be patient, avoid scolding, and clean up accidents promptly.

If you’re transitioning your cat to a different litter than the one they are used to, and your kitten seems hesitant, try mixing the style of litter they are used to with the new type little by little over 3-4 weeks. There are many different types of cat litter (clumping clay, paper pellets, amorphous silica gel, and more), and it may take some experimenting to find the best litter for your household.

kitten resources

4. Adopted Kitten Socialization

Early socialization shapes your kitten’s behavior and temperament. Introduce your kitten to various people, experiences, and gentle handling. Handling them regularly and introducing them to new people make future vet visits less scary for your furry friend.

5. Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary care is essential for your kitten’s health. Ensure your kitten is up to date on vaccinations, deworming, and heartworm prevention. We’ve developed a vaccine guide to help you understand which vaccines your kitten needs and how often.

If your new kitten needs these wellness services, bring them to any of our walk-in vaccine events, and our team is happy to assist.

6. Introducing Other Pets

If you have other pets in your home, introduce them gradually and under supervision. This process requires patience, positive reinforcement, and a safe space for your kitten to retreat if needed.

High-quality vet care

7. Kitten Grooming & Hygiene

Regular grooming keeps your kitten’s coat clean and healthy and strengthens your bond. Brush your kitten’s fur and trim their nails regularly. If you’re unsure how to trim your cat’s nails, TCAP’s staff are happy to help with that, too (as long as your kitten is up to date on their rabies vaccine).

8. Kitten Playtime & Enrichment

Kittens are naturally curious and energetic. Engage them in interactive play to stimulate their minds and bodies. Provide a variety of toys to prevent boredom and encourage physical activity.

9. Monitoring Health and Behavior of Your Adopted Kitten

Pay attention to your adopted kitten’s behavior and health. Watch for any signs of distress, changes in appetite, litter box habits, or unusual behaviors. Early detection of issues can lead to prompt treatment and better outcomes.

Bringing a newly adopted kitten into your home is a heartwarming journey filled with joy and responsibility. By following these care guidelines, you’ll provide the best possible start for your kitten’s life. Remember, consistent care, patience, and love are the keys to a happy and healthy life for your new feline companion.

Affordable Pet Vaccinations in Texas: A Guide to Keeping Your Pet Healthy on a Budget

At TCAP, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friend healthy and happy. One of the most essential ways to ensure their wellbeing is through regular vaccinations. Vaccinating your pet not only protects them from diseases but also helps prevent the spread of diseases to other animals and even humans. Vaccinations are vital for pets of all ages, as they help build immunity against potentially life-threatening diseases. In this article, we’ll provide a guide to affordable pet vaccinations in Texas, so you can keep your pet healthy on a budget.

Why Should You Vaccinate Your Pet?

Vaccination is a preventive measure and not a cure. Administering vaccines to your pet greatly improves their immune system by stimulating it to form disease fighting cells and proteins (known as antibodies) to protect against the disease.

Which Vaccines does my Pet Need?

Some vaccines are considered core vaccines and should be administered to your pet every year, while other vaccines may or may not be necessary depending on your pet’s lifestyle. Our vaccine packages are designed to make it easy to purchase the core vaccination and wellness services your pet needs.

Dog Vaccine Guide:

Puppies (3 rounds of puppy vaccines) 6-8 Weeks: DAPPv Vaccines and General Dewormer ($15) 9-11 Weeks: DAPPv Booster, Bordetella Vaccine, and General Dewormer ($25) 12-15 Weeks: Rabies Vaccine, DAPPv Booster, Bordetella Booster, and General Dewormer ($30) Adult Dogs (boosted annually) 6 Months of Age (or older): Rabies Vaccine, DAPPv Vaccine, and Bordetella Vaccine ($25)

Cat Vaccine Guide

Kittens (2 rounds of kitten vaccines) 9-11 Weeks: FeLV Vaccine, FHCPCh Vaccine, and General Dewormer ($25) 12-15 Weeks: Rabies Vaccine, FeLV Booster, FHCPCh Booster, and General Dewormer ($30) Adult Cats (boosted annually) 6 Months of Age (or older): Rabies Vaccine, FeLV Vaccine, and FHCPCh Vaccine ($25)  
Getting Started

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our furry friends healthy and safe. Vaccinations are one of the most critical ways to do that, but the cost of pet vaccinations can quickly add up. Luckily, TCAP makes vaccinating pets easy and affordable during our walk-in vaccine hours. During TCAP’s walk-in clinics, patients are served on a first-come first served basis.

By taking advantage of these resources and keeping up with your pet’s vaccinations, you can protect them from potentially life-threatening diseases and ensure they live long, healthy lives. With a little bit of effort and planning, you can keep your pet healthy and happy without breaking the bank.

Why You Should Spay & Neuter Your Pets

There are few joys quite like pet ownership. Our pets make amazing companions, so much so that they are best described as family members. We often refer to our pets as “fur babies” and with how cute they are and how much they rely on us for food, shelter, attention, and medical care it is hard to see why not. Prominent among these responsibilities as a pet owner is to spay and neuter your pet, but why is that the case?

Health Benefits of Spay and Neuter

Spaying and neutering your pets is an essential step in promoting their health and well-being. By preventing unwanted litters, spaying and neutering can have a significant impact on the pet overpopulation problem. At TCAP, we believe that prevention is the key to ensuring that pets stay healthy and happy for a lifetime.
Female pets that are spayed have a reduced risk of developing fatal uterine infections and breast cancer, which can be fatal in a significant number of cases. Additionally, if you spay your pet before her first heat cycle, the likelihood of these diseases decreases further. Neutering male pets eliminates their chances of developing testicular cancer and lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Our experienced veterinary team at TCAP can provide spays and neuters for pets as young as 10 weeks old and weighing at least 2 lbs.

Social Benefits

Amazingly, kittens and puppies are able to reproduce as soon as they reach their first heat cycle. This often occurs as early as 4 months of age for kittens and at around 6 months of age for puppies. Beating this first heat cycle is crucial to ensuring there is no chance that your pet will contribute to the homeless pet problem. There is already a major shortage of loving homes for pets staying in our animal shelters and there are only so many friends and relatives that can be cajoled into taking unexpected litter mates into their homes. It’s not just females we need to care about – it takes two to tango! Removing a dog or cats testes reduces the breeding instinct, making them less inclined to roam and more content to stay at home. It is also important to note that pets have no qualms about reproducing with members of their own litter. If you are raising an unaltered litter of puppies or kittens, you will quickly have another pregnant pet on your hands if you do not intervene. A single litter of puppies or kittens can easily become several litters if action is not taken to stop the reproductive cycle

The Solution

Our team at TCAP strives to make essential pet care affordable and accessible to clients that may not be able to afford the same care at a traditional full service vet. On average, TCAP’s prices are 70% less than what a full service hospital charges. Spays and neuters range in cost from $35-$65 and are often discounted with TCAP’s monthly specials. Visit our online booking page to get started with booking your pet’s appointment.

Cost of Spaying or Neutering My Cat

TCAP is a 501C3 nonprofit with the mission to end euthanasia by making high-quality spays and neuters accessible to clients that may not be able to afford these same procedures at a full-service veterinary office. Owners that do not sterilize their pets often quote cost as the leading factor preventing them from getting these procedures done. However, TCAP has taken many steps to remove cost as a barrier for our clients so that all of our patients can have access to the necessary preventative care that we provide.

What is the TCAP Difference?

The average cost at a full-service facility for a cat spay/ neuter ranges from $300-$500 depending on a variety of factors (patient sex, age, pre-existing health conditions, individual hospital pricing models, etc).

At TCAP, our team of licensed veterinarians is able to provide the same procedures for only $35 for males and $45 for females. We are able to offer this cost due to a combination of our non-profit status and underwriting from our wellness program and donations from pet lovers like you. Occasionally, TCAP will even be able to discount our already low prices during our monthly specials.

Take Action

Spaying or neutering your cat not only helps prevent unwanted litters of kittens, but it can also have health benefits for your feline friend. In addition to reducing the risk of certain cancers, spaying female cats can prevent potentially fatal uterine infections, while neutering male cats can prevent testicular cancer and reduce the risk of prostate problems. It’s important to remember that the cost of spaying or neutering your cat is a small price to pay compared to the cost of caring for a litter of kittens or treating a serious medical condition. By taking this preventative step, you can give your cat a happier, healthier life while also doing your part to reduce pet overpopulation.

Would you like to learn more about perusing a spay or neuter procedure for your feline friend? Visit our Cat Spay and Neuter page.

Would you like to support TCAP to help us continue to make spays and neuters for cats as affordable as possible? Please consider donating today.

Sign up for TCAP’s Monthly Newsletter to learn about upcoming monthly spay/neuter specials.

Cat Spays & Neuters Near Me

Cats are the second most common household pet, competing closely with dogs for the tile of “man’s best friend”. Cats provide many of the same benefits as dog ownership, namely companionship, but they require less maintenance. Though our feline friends do not require much from us, they do rely on us for the basics such as shelter, sustenance, and protection. The best place to start when it comes to protecting our pets is ensuring that they are spayed and neutered.

The Big Picture

Spays and neuters save lives. This practice is widely regarded as the most humane and effective way to improve animal welfare. A single female cat can have anywhere from 10-20 kittens in a year. And female cats can enter their first heat cycle as early as 4 months of age. As a result, a household with a pair of unaltered cats can easily produce dozens of kittens in just a few short years. The growth is exponential and there simply are not enough resources to care for every kitten born in the United States. According to the ASPCA’s national estimates in 2019 over 900,000 animals were euthanized in animal shelters due to overpopulation. This problem was only worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic in the years following as well.

What Can You Do?

Making a change starts at home. As a community, we can make a difference if we all commit to spaying and neutering the pets within our sphere of influence first. This will of course mean spaying and neutering pets within our own households, but also having conversations with friends, neighbors and family about the importance of spaying and neutering their own pets. The problem of euthanasia is massive, and it can be very easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of effort it would take to make a dent. However, we firmly believe that a community of like-minded people, which are united in purpose, can accomplish anything.

TCAP as a Resource

At TCAP, we do everything possible to remove cost as a factor in being a responsible pet owner. Cat spays and neuters cost anywhere from $35-$45. Sometimes our monthly specials will discount even those low prices. It is our mission to end euthanasia and improve animal welfare in North Texas. If you live in DFW, chances are high that we have a clinic near you. Give us a call at (940) 566-5551 to book an appointment that will save lives.

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