Small Microchip, Huge Protection
One in three pets get lost during their lifetime, and without proper ID, 90% won’t return home. Don’t let your pet be a statistic.
TCAP provides microchips and registration, via the HomeAgain national database, starting at $20. Let a TCAP team member know you’re interested in a microchip for your pet, or note it on your pet’s vaccine/sterilization paperwork.
Low Cost Microchips
Microchip (with surgery) $20
TCAP's team of caring staff with implant your pet's microchip while they're under general anesthesia — ensuring the process is painless for your pet.
Microchip (during vaccine events) $30
TCAP's team will implant your pet's microchip via a quick and easy syringe.
Microchip Registration FREE*
Registration of your pet's microchip via HomeAgain's national database included with every microchip purchase.
Commit to Protecting Your Pet

Ensure Your Pet Returns Home
Microchips give your pets permanent identification — increasing the chances they return home. Collars can fall off or get lost, but microchips are forever.

Both Cats & Dogs Need ID
Both cats and dogs should be microchipped in case they ever get out and become lost. Once scanned at your local vet or animal shelter, you will be contacted and reunited with your lost pet.

Lifetime Registration Included
Every microchip implanted by TCAP includes your pet’s lifetime registration via HomeAgain’s National Pet Recovery Database. If your contact details ever change, updating your info is easy online.
Frequently Asked Questions About Microchips
Yes! Cats and dogs need microchips to increase the chances they return home if they ever become lost. Dogs are often spooked by loud noises and can attempt to run away. Additionally, both dogs and cats can be intrigued by an open gate/door, or hole in your fence. Microchips ensure if your pets are ever lost without their collar, another way to identify and return them home exists.
Collars and ID tags can fall off, break, or become unreadable over time — leaving your pet without a way to identify him/her. Microchipping your pets gives them a permanent form of identification.
Microchips are not a tracking/geolocation device. About the size of a grain of rice, microchips are a form of radio-frequency identification (RFID) that hold a unique identification number. Because of this, microchips do not need a power source like a GPS.
Once implanted, your pet’s microchip number is registered into a database along with your pet’s information, and your contact details.
If your pet is lost and brought to a local veterinarian or animal shelter, the staff can scan your pet for the microchip and use the unique number to notify the database where your pet is registered that it has been found. Next, representatives of the database will reach out to you and let you know where to reunite with your lost pet.
Microchips are a small device is about the size of a grain of rice, that are implanted under your pet’s skin via a syringe. The process is similar to your pet receiving a vaccination. Typically, microchips are placed between your pet’s shoulder blades.
Microchipping can be completed with or without anesthetic, so you can elect for this service during any of our walk-in vaccine events, or during your pet’s sterilization/dental appointment.
It’s recommended to microchip your pets as soon as they are large enough for the process to not cause tremendous discomfort. Typically, this is when puppies and kittens are around 12 weeks old.
When your pet is microchipped at TCAP, we register the microchip for you with HomeAgain’s National Pet Recovery Database. We also provide you a copy of the unique microchip number, and log it in your pet’s patient file at TCAP.
If you ever need to update your contact information, be sure to contact both TCAP to update your pet’s file, and HomeAgain.