Main Office | 940-566-5551
Lowest Cost. Best Care.

Ways to Support TCAP

The Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) is a nonprofit organization that has been determined by the IRS to be tax-exempt as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  TCAP provides compassionate solutions to pet
overpopulation and community animal welfare. TCAP accomplishes this goal by making affordable, high-quality preventative
 services available to Texas pet owners.

As a nonprofit, there are several ways you can support TCAP! Whether you are able to give financially or want to share
our organization with your family and friends, every bit of support matters. Check out just a few of the ways you can join us on 

our mission below! 

Facebook Birthday Fundraiser
Facebook allows users to setup a birthday fundraiser to benefit a nonprofit of their choice! This is a great way to spread the word about TCAP to your friends and family while also collecting donations in our honor.
Learn More
Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger will make a donation on your behalf if you link your Kroger card to your favorite non-profit! Every time you use your Kroger plus card, Kroger will make a small donation to TCAP without affecting the price of your groceries!
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Amazon Wish List Donations
As a high-volume clinic, we go through a lot of supplies! One way to assure our clinics continue to run smoothly is by purchasing an item on our Amazon wish list. This list consists of cleaning supplies, office supplies, and other items that are necessary to our daily operations.
Shop Wish List
Follow & Share Our Organization
Keeping up with TCAP on our social medias is a great way to stay connected to what we're doing in our community. You can also share our information with your family & friends!
Follow Us
Direct Monetary Donations
As a nonprofit, funds raised from our supporters help us continue on our mission to end animal overpopulation and euthanasia. Donations help underwrite our low-cost spay/neuter and vaccine services, as well as fund our monthly specials. Become a TCAP Hero today!
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