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5 Thanksgiving Foods Dangerous for Pets

Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, delicious feasts, and quality time with loved ones. However, it can also pose potential hazards for our pets, as many Thanksgiving foods are unsafe for dogs and cats. We’ve outlined five common Thanksgiving foods that are unsafe for pets.

1. Turkey Bones

Turkey is a common main course for Americans celebrating Thanksgiving. However, turkey bones can splinter and cause choking blockages or internal injuries for your pet. Keep all poultry bones far away from your pets.

2. Fatty Foods

Rich, fatty dishes like gravy or buttery mashed potatoes can lead to digestive issues, including pancreatitis. Avoid feeding your pets these high-fat foods.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to pets. Keep chocolate desserts out of their reach.

4. Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic, common in stuffing and many dishes, are toxic to pets and can cause severe health problems. Keep them out of reach.

5. Desserts with Alternate Sweeteners

Xylitol, a sugar substitute often used in desserts, is highly toxic to pets. Be cautious when baking or storing treats containing xylitol.

Be Ready for Emergencies:

If your pet does ingest something from the Thanksgiving table they shouldn’t, or you’re unsure of, the Pet Poison Helpline is a great resource. Their experts can advise if a visit to the emergency vet is warranted.

Oakmont Ladies Golf Association Raises $1,000 for Texas Coalition for Animal Protection

During its monthly golf tournament, the Oakmont Ladies Golf Association (OLGA) raised $1,000 for Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP), Saturday, Aug. 5. 

“We are so grateful to OLGA for raising funds for our mission,” said Stacey Schumacher, TCAP Executive Director. “Their donation will enable us to provide free rabies vaccines to pets whose parents may not otherwise be able to afford them. Rabies vaccines are not only required by law for pets but are critical in keeping our communities safe from the deadly zoonotic disease.”  

The tournament commenced with an 8 a.m. tee-off at Oakmont Country Club in Corinth, where 32 OLGA members showcased their skills. OLGA’s members range from 30 to 80 years old, and encompass golfers of all skill levels. 

Following the successful tournament, OLGA gathered for lunch and post-tournament awards, during which they presented representatives from TCAP with a generous donation of $1,000. TCAP is a recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit spay & neuter clinic headquartered in Denton. TCAP relies on charitable contributions to sustain its programs, including its free Feral Fix program and free rabies vaccine events.

According to TCAP, the organization will be able to vaccinate around 200 cats and dogs because of the donation.

The partnership between OLGA and TCAP was inspired by OLGA member Sue LaRocca, who experienced the impactful work of TCAP firsthand. LaRocca, a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady, sought assistance from TCAP to address the feral cat population on her property through the feral fix program, which offers sterilization services for stray and feral cats at the organization’s eight spay & neuter clinics.

“OLGA is delighted to collaborate with the Texas Coalition for Animal Protection in their mission to provide vital care and assistance to animals in need,” said LaRocca. “Our members are pet lovers who are proud to contribute to TCAP’s efforts.”

TCAP Director of Marketing, Tiffany Ditto, (left) and TCAP Director of Operations, Katelyn McGuire, (right) stand next to OLGA Member Sue LaRocca (center) at a luncheon following OLGA's tournament Saturday, Aug. 5 2023. At the luncheon, OLGA members presented TCAP with donations amounting to $1,000.

TCAP Director of Marketing, Tiffany Ditto, (left) and TCAP Director of Operations, Katelyn McGuire, (right) stand next to OLGA Member Sue LaRocca (center) at a luncheon following OLGA’s tournament Saturday, Aug. 5 2023. At the luncheon, OLGA members presented TCAP with donations amounting to $1,000.  

Additional information about OLGA can be found at

Summer Pet Care: Hydration and Heat Safety Tips

As the summer heat intensifies, prioritizing the well-being and safety of our furry companions becomes increasingly important. Just as humans need to take extra precautions during hot weather, pets also require special summer pet care to stay hydrated and cool.

In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of regular preventative care, hydration, and heat safety tips to ensure your pets are healthy and ready to tackle the summer heat.

Preventative Care

Preventative Care for Summer Pet Care

Regular preventative care is vital in maintaining your pet’s overall health, especially during the summer season. Ensuring your pet is current on vaccines and flea and tick prevention can help your pets stay healthy during the summer.

Proper blood circulation is necessary to maintain a cool body temperature. Fleas and ticks remove much-needed blood from your pet’s body, which can cause issues as they try to regulate their temperature.

Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) offers low-cost vaccinations and flea/tick control during our walk-in vaccine hours. Flea and tick preventions start as low as $12 for a one-month dose.

Hydration Tips for Summer Pet Care

Proper hydration is paramount for your pet’s well-being, particularly during hot weather. When temperatures rise, animals are at risk of dehydration, which can lead to serious health complications.
  1. Access to fresh water: Always ensure your pet has access to clean and fresh water throughout the day. Monitor the water bowl regularly and refill it as needed to prevent dehydration.
  2. Portable water on-the-go: When taking your pet on outdoor adventures or walks, carry a portable water container and offer water breaks regularly. This practice helps maintain hydration levels and prevents overheating.
  3. Frozen treats and ice cubes: Treat your pet to frozen treats or ice cubes made from pet-friendly ingredients. These tasty refreshments not only keep your pet hydrated but also provide a cooling sensation.

Heat Safety Precautions for Summer Pet Care

Alongside hydration, taking precautions to protect your pet from excessive heat is crucial.
  1. Avoiding midday heat: The sun is at its peak intensity during midday, making it essential to limit outdoor activities during these hours. Schedule walks and playtime in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.
  2. Providing shade and cool areas: Create shaded spots in your backyard or patio where your pet can seek relief from the sun. Consider setting up a canopy or using umbrellas to provide ample shade.
  3. Never leave pets in parked vehicles: Even on seemingly mild days, the temperature inside a parked car can rise rapidly and become life-threatening for pets. Never leave your pet unattended in a vehicle, even temporarily.
  4. Paw protection: Hot pavement or sand can cause burns and discomfort to your pet’s paws. Opt for walks on grassy areas or invest in booties to protect their sensitive paw pads.
Hot dog

During summer, it’s essential to prioritize the well-being of our furry friends by implementing proper hydration and heat safety measures as part of our summer pet care routine.

Regular preventative care can ensure your pet is healthy and ready to face the challenges of the summer heat. By following these tips, you can ensure your pet enjoys a safe and enjoyable summer season.

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