$20 Neuter for Cats & Dogs
With purchase of a full set of vaccines for $25 OR a microchip for $20 at the time of surgery.
The fine print includes: Proof of a current rabies vaccine is required or can be provided at the time of surgery for an additional $5. Must purchase either a full set of vaccines or a microchip to receive this special. This special is available anywhere TCAP works during the month of May for cats and dogs. Eligible pets must have an appointment for sterilization between September 1, 2024 and September 30, 2024. Pets must meet all of TCAP’s qualifications for surgery. Pets must be at least 10 weeks old, but younger than 5 years old. They must weigh at least 2 lbs, but less than 80 lbs, with no pre-existing health conditions to qualify for this special. Pets already scheduled for surgery in September will receive this offer. Male cats and dogs younger than 6 months old must have their testicles descended to be sterilized. Additional fees will be incurred for males (older than 6 months) with undescended testicle(s). These fees will be assessed to the owner or caretaker. Shelters and rescue groups may participate in this program. Additional fees will be incurred if owners purchase take-home pain medications, antibiotics, or additional vaccines. All dogs must come on a secure leash and cats must come in a secure, hard-sided carrier. This special may not be combined with any other discounts or offers. Only four pets per owner or caretaker, per day. Availability for this special is limited.